Bernardo Santiago


Bernardo Santiago

With over 20 years of market data management experience, Bernardo Santiago has held senior market data management positions within leading tier 1 and 2 financial institutions with the US and Canada. Mr. Santiago’s focus is on cost management, alternative vendor selection and contract analysis and negotiations.

Previously, Bernardo held senior market data management role at Franklin Templeton, Hutchin Hill, RBC Capital Markets, ITG, Wellington Management and WestLB AG where he defined objectives of the team’s effort to provide high-quality cost-effective solutions, strategic planning, vendor selection, service provisioning, financial reporting and inventory/cost review and control.

Bernardo holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management Information Systems from Pace University in New York and a Master in Business Administration from Florida International University in Florida.

Recent assignments include the following:

  • Performed a market data administration assessment for a Risk Management Advisory firm, including, technology, business process optimization, and best practices for vendor management and contract negotiations.
  • Assisted with the consolidation of market data contracts across three boutiques that were merging
  • Established the market data management practice for the largest hedge fund launch in history