Mark Schaefer


Mark Schaefer

Mark Schaedel is CEO of DataBP, a global provider of market data licensing & subscription management
services to exchanges, index providers and vendors. Mark is a fintech investor with a particular focus on
data commercialization and an advisor to Calcguard technologies and Doconomy, a Swedish climate
tech firm.
Previously, Mark was Managing Director and Global Head of Index Services at IHS Markit and served as
an executive board member of IHS Markit Benchmark Administration Ltd. Mark spent 13 years with the
New York Stock Exchange where he was the Global Head of Information Services Division and an
executive officer of NYSE Technologies. After relocating to Amsterdam in 2009, Mark became active in
European capital market structure and chaired the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE)
MiFID data working group and was a member of CESR’s MiFID working group. In 2012, Mark Co-
Founded The COBA Project Ltd., a consortium established to create a European consolidated tape.
Mark began his career in equity trading and operations at Cowen & Co in New York in 1994 and later
became COO and co-founder of StreetServe Inc., a consortium of US self-regulatory organizations
created to support the electronification of post-trade communications. Mark has completed post
graduate work at both INSEAD and Harvard Business School and holds dual degrees in Management and
Marketing from University of South Carolina.